Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Economic and financial reality

NEVER FORGET, the Fed Bernanke -Obama, evidently, the FED - Gov ultimate purpose is to deceive and to rob all.

cnbc insanity ~~> re 'Black Swan' Author Nassim Taleb: Warren Buffett May Just Be Lucky
He did say that he will not show up in media if Bernanke is reelected. Buffett is used by big money for their purpose and was in luck by his name such as Warren Buffett like snake in Genesis 3.

Should never take seriously or trust Economists who are awarded, such as Nobel Prize, as they are being chosen to deceive mass such as Stiglitz is a part of the financial corruption as we have seen during the last decades bankrupting millions and NATIONS around the world. Otherwise, they would not have chosen if they were speaking truth.

Example is Stiglitz spewing nonsense to be used by the financial and political corruption which we are seeing it now and in the past decades.

Simple math of deteriorating wealth trend for mass and ever rising political and financial corruption speaks voluminous real facts.

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