Thursday, January 22, 2009

American Economic Crisis

The recent market melt down since Oct 2007 has nothing to do with increasing American wealth except market manipulators are talking massive wealth from many around the world.

For example, using R.E. bubble/crash, market manipulators took wealth from millions of Americans. In the process of making R.E. bubble/crash, there are some who made large sum of money as we know that we had increasing Plutocracy during the Bush admin -- and we watched his end-game of millions of Americans having mortgage crisis, job loss, banking melt down, stock market melt down, etc. -- the end result of massive financial market manipulation which is taking wealth away from many to a few %.

The recent financial market melt-down is further starving American wealth as a few % of market speculators are making fortune while many Americans' wealth and market values are getting crush. The crash or discounting process is only furthering the financial wealth destruction of many American and many around the world. That is NOT remedy.

The corrective action is to establish rational, productive, fair, and progressive policies which will enrich many. Wars are destructive for many. Oil price manipulation is destructive for many while a few is getting rich.

Markets are trading near at pivotal supports and the hype of destroying markets do not help the wealth of many, but only toppling off more to face financial crisis.

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