Friday, January 2, 2009

Mad-off Obama National debt disaster

Just spend, spend, and spend is not an answer to our economy with national debt ticking bomb.

It is absolutely fundamental that we should NOT spend with debt. When we don't have money and pile up debt, we should not spend.

It's Big Mad-off Scam robbing our nation until debt time-bomb blows off.

At this pace, it is less than a few years.

Escalating debt is out-of-control and as of today, the big scam spending Mad-off case does not show any sign of providing solutions except creating more problems with more spending for quick fix for very short term. The spending-spree will likely be one of the worst disaster out-of-control waste of money since the plan is out of desperate measure and without careful foresight for effective use of the detrimental debt.

Markets are hyping the spending-spree scam with light volume rallies.

We need to see rational plan to deal with the national debt - HOW HE IS GOING TO REDUCE the debt before he thinks about spending any money.

MAY GOD HAVE MERCY on our nation!

Obama Has No Timetable for Stimulus Package. Obama adding on to national debt
President-elect Barack Obama does not have a timetable to develop and pass an economic stimulus package, according to one of his aides on the transition team.


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