Thursday, January 22, 2009

Regard Corruption: Invisible Market Force manipulation

Regarding corruption: I had a question asking, "who is manipulating markets" in response to what I said that the Paulson's role was nothing but manipulating markets.

My answer is the following:

No simple and direct answers as markets are manipulated by "invisible market force" using various influences. I suggest you to do your own D.D. and you can begin by reading comments on market watch,, and also to watch "Market Masters" youtube video. Those are correct and incorrect opinions, speculations, and hype; so, one needs to exercise discretion and discernment.

Other examples, you can understand the invisible market manipulation by studying history of various areas impacting markets such as Paulson's background prior to his position as T.S. and his decisions, Greenspan manipulation during 1980-1990s, rising trade deficit, effects and motivation of globalism, the history and motivation of various repealed and new bills, Bush Admin motivation and impacts on our economy, etc. -- it is invisible market force which is not easy to reveal. That is the reason: it is the invisible market force.

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