Monday, January 26, 2009

re Existing Home Sales Posts Surprise 6.5% Gain

The Eco news is helping the market this morning, and we will likely see improved economic statisitcs in the future even though we may see initial fluctuation of the data.

Economics has much to do with number management which is translated to various activities and transactions. To be successful, the number management has to be effective and efficient.


re Existing Home Sales Posts Surprise 6.5% Gain

The Associated Press
| 26 Jan 2009 | 10:06 AM ET

A real estate group says sales of existing homes rose 6.5 percent from November to December, closing out the worst year for the U.S. real estate market in more than a decade.

The National Association of Realtors said Monday that sales of existing homes rose to an annual rate of 4.74 million in December, from a downwardly revised pace of 4.45 million in November.

December's sales had been expected to fall to a pace of 4.4 million units. according to Thomson Reuters.

The median sales price plunged to $175,400, down 15.3 percent from $207,000 a year ago.

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