Thursday, January 29, 2009

Better controlling Wasteful Gov Spending:

Better controlling Wasteful Gov Spending: re Grassley Launches Inquiry Into Reports Alleging Fed Computers Used to View Porn

There should be a massive waste of Gov programs and this is just one example of many which could be costing millions or billions of wasteful resources.

The Obama admin needs to seriously consider what GOP is saying about a wasteful and inefficient gov money spending at the local levels as well as state levels. It is obvious that regulatory agencies didn't do proper auditings as we can see it on Madeoff case as example. There should be many different kinds and levels of such.

TARP Panel Report Cites Regulatory Failures In Crisis

The Congressionally-appointed panel overseeing the TARP program today will release a stinging report of the regulatory failures that led to the current financial crisis.

A copy of the draft report, which will be presented to Congress, was obtained by

“The regulatory system not only failed to manage risk, but also failed to require disclosure of risk through sufficient transparency,” the report concludes.

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