Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The Obama Admin is planning to remedy the current economic crisis and planning, in a long run, to balance budget/trade deficits to be fair and to reduce ever rising debt many Americans will place more confidence in the Admin. So far, what I heard from the Admin is better than what we heard during the election period. Obama, so far, is showing sincere effort to reconcile different opinions and expectations. Even after considering all conspiracies, the Admin is gaining more confidence than before.

Hope requires "due trust". Unless we have some confidence to hope for, we would not hope. Unless we trust, with reasonable confidence, Obama, we will not have "hope" in him. We need to see that Obama is genuinely looking out for our interest first before he reaches out for other nation -- to pursue common good. His decisions and actions since he was elected reflect that he is pursuing common good for Americans, then, abroad. Of course, having Clinton beside him is definitely a plus.

Even though the economic downturn cycle was expected, hope that it will not get progressively worse. Hopefully, we will see the light which will sooth our economic crisis, soon.

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