Tuesday, September 1, 2009

8.6 -9 month cycle

8.6-9 month cycle downturn from March low is due after running SPX 666-1040 based on and including cooking accounting rules to hype earning reports.

Market Spin update:

1. accounting rule change manipulation,

2. stop melt-down hope manipulation,

3. bailout manipulation,

4. short squeeze manipulation,

5. better than worst expectation E.R. manipulation,

6. slower job loss manipulation,

7. jobless recovery manipulation,

8. not so bad hope manipulation,

9. economy will be much worse than expected... SPX 1038 Obama 8/25/09,

10. clunker deal manipulation,

11. don't worry about China or Sept/Oct...

So, we are pumping financial markets which can be sweetly drained at the time when we want to. FYI: Many Americans are broken, it is not 1990s or early 2000 when Americans still had some spending power. Americans are no longer wealthy after spending life-savings and home equities -- even though some are hyping markets, the reality is many Americans are broke and big funds are already in the markets.

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