Monday, September 28, 2009

Bernie Madoff vs Bernanke Madoff deception

The FED BERNANKE Deception ~ Bernie Madoff is billion-size fraud criminal compared to Bernanke Madoff is trillion-size fraud criminal deceiving millions of Americans and many around the world.

Bernanke could be going to jail after auditing the Fed is done.

Audit the Federal Reserve - House Financial Services Cmte. Hearing on Regulatory Overhaul -

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) chaired a hearing on legislation that would require the Government Accountability Office to audit the Federal Reserve. Scott Alvarez, General Counsel to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and Thomas Woods of the Ludwig von Mises Institute testified before the committee.
Washington, DC : 3 hr. 1 min.

REPORT ON FED -- OTC: PM Report Friday Sept. 25, 2009

~*~ U.S. House to Hold Hearings on Federal Reserve Audit ~*~

H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009

Friday, September 25th at 9:00 AM

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