It will be deadly mistaken if anyone thinks that the problem will be fixed by abolishing the FED as the fraud could get worse because of false perception of the problems are solved while greedy pigs and political wolves are continuing to defraud.
Poll update 89% of 9610 to abolish the Fed. 9/18/2009 9:26 am
SAVE AMERICA! End the Fed, Save the Dollar
" The United States has 82.7 Trillion dollars of debt on and off the books. --
We have 154,000,000 people working in the United States out of 307 million people.
When you divide 82.7 Trillion dollars by 154 million people....we each owe $538,000.00 dollars. We each owe over half a million dollars for the debt. We are bankrupt.
Times one percent or 1,540,000 times the 9.7 percent unemployment rate. you will approach 14,900,000 unemployed people in the United States.
That is how you know the figure is the correct one for the amount of people working in the United States."
Grayson: “So who got the money?”
Bernanke: “Financial institutions in Europe and other countries.”
Grayson: “Which ones?”
Bernanke: “I don’t know.”
Grayson: “Half a trillion dollars and you don’t know who got the money?”
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