~~ End of the FED >>
I like Ron Paul's idea and appreciate the effort to speak truth except gold hype among a few other thoughts, which is detrimental to economy as it is a vicious cycle. We need to remember that he is also political wolf who is often bought by banker pigs.
Americans should not be fooled again.
The banker pigs are invisible. The Fed can be destroyed but the banker pigs already stolen trillions leaving the nation bankrupted. They will find new ways to defraud.
You can't destroy invisible greedy hands.Only through vigilance of the people through sound policies.
I am not against demolishing the FED which is almost impossible without Economic revolution, but it is deadly mistaken if anyone thinks that the problem is fixed. It could get worse because of false perception of the problems are solved while greedy pigs and political wolves are continuing to defraud.
It will be just morphed into something else. Abolish FED ~ there are many would be going to jail -- in reality!!
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