Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Market hype using the US debt

Financial markets hyped with the US Debt ~~ still wanting to defraud the nation and Americans to pump markets using the US debt -- insanely greedy traitors. ~~))))

About $4.9 trillion has been restored to U.S. equity markets on signs that the more than $12 trillion spent, lent or committed by the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve has ended the credit crisis and revived the economy. Bond sales by investment-grade companies are 10 percent more than the record pace of 2007, Bloomberg data shows. Borrowing costs fell to the lowest in four years.

Investment-grade bond yields slipped to 5.04 percent on Sept. 22 from 9.3 percent in October 2008, the highest level since 1991, according to Merrill Lynch & Co. index data. Companies pay 230 basis points more to borrow on average than the government, the narrowest gap since February 2008. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.

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