Monday, September 28, 2009

Religious Jewry Suffers Under Zionist Oppression Sep 17, 2009, Washington DC — Following recent ongoing global activities

Righteous Rabbis against the NWO/Fed Mammon -- the demonic money power. NWO is never the Will of GOD, even though the Great Commission is as in Matthew 28. NWO is a distortion of the Great Commission which is preaching the GOSPEL to the world -- the Rabbi is preaching the same as we can hear it in the video. Praise GOD, there are righteous Rabbis, and ALMIGHTY GOD will bring His Judgment against the greedy mammon defiling the world with deception and murder for money and power.

Religious Jewry Suffers Under Zionist Oppression

Sep 17, 2009, Washington DC —

Following recent ongoing global activities, a press conference will be held in front of Israeli Hadassah Hospital offices in Washington DC, to explore current Israeli oppression against the anti Zionist Jewish communities in Jerusalem.

Date: Friday, September 18, 2009
Place: 5100 Wisconsin Ave NW # 250, Washington, DC
Time: 11:15 AM

Rabbi Eliyahu Blatt who has come from the anti-Zionist community in Jerusalem to share personal experience in this matter, stated in a recent meeting: “Over the past three months, the state oppression of our community has reached new levels. When the religious mother of a three–year–old child realized that Hadassah Hospital had been giving the child painful unnecessary treatments for almost two years, the hospital, in collaboration with the Zionist government, quickly turned the tables and blamed her for the entire episode. They arrested her, and now she is on trial. The family of the child clams that this was not merely malpractice, but a scheme to test new drugs and procedures on a human guinea pig. The Rabbinical leaders staged mass demonstrations, at which dozens of religious Jews were beaten and arrested.”

The rabbi also spoke about the recent peaceful mass demonstrations against the opening of a new parking lot on the Jewish Sabbath near a religious neighborhood. In suppressing these demonstrations, the police set a new standard for brutality when they used cars to run over demonstrators. “This is a painful issue for our community because it highlights the fact that the Zionists have come here against our will and want to impose their way of life on us. Why do they have to bring their Sabbath desecration into our neighborhood? Our community was here for centuries. When the Zionists originally came and began working toward their political goals, our community made it clear that we wanted no part in their activities. According to the Torah it is forbidden for Jews to rule over the land. We simply wanted to continue our peaceful religious lifestyle as before and to live in a respectful co–existence under non–Jewish rule.”

Bernanke is nothing but a money slave to the big money -- a satanic power enslaving many using deception.

Mammon demons ~ The Fed Bernanke deception << ~~ the mammon demons using the name of GOD to deceive millions around the world for money.

Mammon Bernanke greedy debt fraud >> Israeli officials attacking anti Zionist synagogue in Jerusalem ((~~ Bernanke hyping up markets using massive debt against Americans and the nation is just another reflection of the evil mammon power oppressing the world using massive and various kinds of deception -- putting millions into living hell. The evil greedy power will be sent to Eternal Hell by GOD ALMIGHTY!! ~~)))

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