Friday, January 18, 2008

Another Schizophrenic Day


After the morning gap, markets were selling off various excuses, not enough, too late... etc.

If Bernanke does not do Emergency rate cut, he will likely ruin his reputation as helicoper Ben, but will likely be known as a big blood sucker by not responding to the needs.

Bernanke was chit-chatting with his intellectual, politically correct, sweet rhetorics, but is refusing to take actions. Of course, that would be perceived an excuse for markets to sell off. We are in schizophrenic market condition.

Markets are blaming "Bernanke", but I do not think that it is Bernanke who is responsible for the sell off as I think that he is stimulating the sell-off along with Greenspan. Unless proven otherwise, markets are completely manipulated by the twin brothers.

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