Saturday, January 12, 2008

What are the US problems

2011 - the end of the time? We are hearing 2011 The end of the world by Herold Camping. I was talking about "Armageddon" because some signs which I see that we are facing the evil force.

How does this relate to stock market direction? We obviously have very bearish sentiment after the sell-off; but, as noted that markets have not closed below the Wednesday low. Of course, it is obviously elementary math to find the next support levels; but, why would be crush markets?

Of course we know that super rich could force markets to go up or down, but I think that markets are at important level, so, maybe we should see some help which will sustain market support.

What's the problem with American?

Let's not forget the real problems for America, high trade deficit, exporting jobs, and over spending. Focusing on other issues are just majoring in minor issues. Unless we fix the core problems, we can not solve the problems

Going into OE week, Volatility was coming down from the coiling upper resistance. Breaking above R is certainly not a good news.

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