Saturday, January 19, 2008

Doom & Gloom

It is very depressing to read all negative writings on different blogs, of course, now all bears are raising hell. All kinds of lists of doom-gloom-hell factors with extensive pessimistic details for failures of programs to revive our economy. It is quite depressing to read those armageddon, pessimistic writings. Bernanke is worthless, Bush plan will not work, Rate cut is too late and too little, US will go into deep recession, like pessimism disease spread. If super rich and the Fed wants to drag our economy to hell, yes, I think that we will see very grim future as I think that super rich and the Fed has the control over our economy with significant power.

We could not gain much by pouncing on recession as USD or OIL will not go down as many think that those will. So far, it seems that markets are keeping the price up with an excuse of global demand. As pessimism is catching fire, it is just bad to worse as pessimism is like disease.

I hope that super rich will not kill the economy to get rich from short-side.

Hope that Bernanke (super rich group) will show good will as I think that Greenspan power is extremely strong. Think about all wealth he could accumulate since his appointment as the Fed chair. You heard Paulson/the hedge fund guy, not TS Paulson, getting 28 billion just from ARM melt.


Now, think about if you had complete control of the markets as I think that they have.... the wealth accumulation during the bubbles and the burst. Enormous.

I was so naive about the reality, the invisible power. LOL When I understood all and see what is going on, it is quite stunting. LOL Bernanke is quite remarkable person and very smart. Hope that he will do better job than filthy pigs whoever that might be as I really don't know.

It is a good thing that I believe in God. As I asked God to help me to trust Him than anything or anyone else.

Oh, God, it is a good thing that I believe in You.

Have a nice weekend

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