Saturday, January 5, 2008

re: Fed policy views split due to uncertainty: Kohn

Big evil bad bears are now screaming, "IT'S MY WORLD, MY WORLD", as we can see its power on Friday. Don't think that the big sell-off is not initiated by the fed/big bank as I think that the Fed is also the PPT both from long and short sides unless it is proven otherwise that my understanding is incorrect.

This is an example of big-bad-evil-greedy-bears exerting its evil power: INTC 20% off wiping out 6mos in 3-days. Do we have any more to say?

We have the Fed members are playing with words, but their bites are bigger than their words as we have seen that they exerted their quick and fast money making scheme like on Friday from short side.

Now, the fake Bernanke writing, as the website noted, shows that the fake Bernanke has the power to move the markets and I also think so. Of course, not for your own benefit, but theirs. (note: the comments on this post are referring to the last few posts.)


Fed policy views split due to uncertainty: Kohn

Are One and the same? If so, we are in deep trouble.

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