Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Americans march to Washington in 2009 ~

War against Middle Class: Before too late... Don't be deceived by Financial Bubble and Crash drama played by media as the drama is played to transfer the mass wealth from YOU to the few. Economic boom and crash severity is controllable regardless what media and politicians are brainwashing mass Americans and many around the world.

WHY AMERICANS MUST march to Washington?

NO HOPE: Americans must march to Washington to demand Financial Stability -- we must see a fundamental change to fix Americans poverty and depression. This is not just an American problem, as it is and will be for many around the world.

Eyes wide open: The fact is the GOP eyes are wide-open to profit from mass -- astronomical profit for a few, that is. The few controls the world finance and many around the world -- as we see that many are now slaved to money indebted. When someone loses money, others make money even during the economic down turn. The money is not like physical destruction like buildings even though bad debt write-off is indeed lessens the money; however, in a bigger context from a mega wealth point of view, it is just a part of doing the big business.

From the big business points of view, the big money really makes money when others lose money because they are realizing their losses. Bigger the losses are richer the big money becomes. The top tier money does not care about big companies or banks go under, as it is just a part of doing the big business.

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