Friday, February 27, 2009

SPX weekly

Another week of financial market doom gloom like rabid dogs and vultures (e.g. C). Distressing markets.
Doom & gloom Bandwagon ~ I commented on the extreme bearish case for many times on my previous comments with the count showing on my ibox for months. Depressing scenario and the projections are obvious as I commented before the regressive scenario going back to 1990s breakout. Commented on the breakouts since 2006 cycle comments. Markets are profiting from shorter hedge funds making billions and trillions. Hyping lower and lower projections.

It is unfortunate to see but I commented on the subject during the last few years that Americans need to re-engineer ourselves like what Japaneses did. However, we are not living in 1990s any longer, but we are living in global economy where many companies are looking for cheaper and efficient products around the world -- so, we need to go through economic cycles as well as readjust global economic cycles.

It's depressing, but I never jump on hype bandwagon drumming hype drum. Market doom and gloom hype is astonishing to say the least and disgusting.

It is quite unfortunate that market regulators failed for decades since 1990s-, however, that was the exact purpose to manipulate bubble and bust to profit from, e.g. Paulson hedge fund/greenspan.

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