Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Big horrible scenario

A horrible, blue print plan of the big money which was laid out by Greenspan and his bosses during the last decades -- could be.

We have witnessed how cruel and merciless wars can be as we have seen through the Gaza attacks, killings, and destruction as example. God said to fear the Lord our God more than those who kill your soul. Of course, that is not practical for many Christians who are living in worldly thinking and desires. I am not sure how many are true believers who are professing to be Christians. Only God really knows each heart. It is apocalyptical, but I believe that we are under enormous power pressure after many Americans lost all their saving and houses. Those who control money took the detrimental advantage of Americans who are brain-washed to materialism during the past decades. I think that derivative bubble was intentional to swindle Americans who spend the most.

As we have seen market reaction to Obama economic plans, Obama is just a decoy while Americans are continued to be financially demolished. There is other insight which I will not mention until later when I have the time.

2009 is the pivotal year for Iran accomplishing nuke weapon, so, it appears to be that a few could be demolishing the world finance making billions and trillions plotting various schemes which could be unfolding.

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