Thursday, February 19, 2009

Universities and colleges in higher education do not teach the truth

Universities and colleges in higher education do not teach the truth -- and also mass media does not state the reality.

Volcker is the father of American wealth destruction and Greenspan is the son of American wealth destruction for a few using high price volatility. Globalism is a fractal of what has happened to Americans in a grand scale.

In Finance, Economics, and Accounting classes -- undergraduate-graduate-doctorate programs -- do not teach the reality and the truth about our history. In higher education, the classes are taught to mislead you. In corporate world, the top executives mislead subordinates, and eventually, the deception goes up to the ladder. We are now seeing the ladder went up to very top of the pyramid -- the super wealthy, the Fed, and the Gov.

Last stages of 30yr & 40yr economic cycle wealth destruction: The Volcker disaster which was the source of US wealth destruction

Since early 1980s, American savings was decreasing, US debt was increasing, US trade deficit was increasing, and market bubbles were forming which eventually we are experiencing massive greed wealth to a few hands using volatility.

Economy goes through cycles similar as we have four seasons, what matters is that how well the economic and financial cycles are managed. Evidently, we are witnessing Greed manipulation for a few using boom and bust cycles instead of promoting wealth for many.

When US economy didn't grow and when Americans decided to ask more during 1970s, Volcker seeded a start of bubbles which Greenspan exploded the bubble after the 1987 crash draining American wealth through a series of bubbles -- tech bubble, commodity bubble, derivative bubble, and real estate bubble, etc., now, Americans and the United States are squeezed with taxes.

For the Fed and the Gov, it does not matter whether markets or economy go up or go down as long as they create volatility to profit from. The volatility is the tool and the enemy of massive sheepsters who are fallen into the legally swindling massive wealth from mass.

This is an example of showing many professed Christians sold to money -- those who do not deal with real issues. The core importance of what really matters. What he described is just riding a price hype bandwagon

Many financial newsletter writers are omitting reality to hype price creating higher volatility as much as possible - Schiff and Roger, as examples. In reality, deception does not have to be stating lies, but misleading by omitting relevant facts is also deception.

As noted on the earlier post, the Price Volatility is what destroyed American Wealth -- and, the big money power controls price volatility.

One of the reasons that I made the points on the last few posts is that the money greed is squeezing mass to get more money out of mass; and most do follow deception for money.

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