Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The gruesome OE Bloodbath calling for Financial Stability

Financial Stability : Ask and protest for our financial stability and security: many Americans may start to protest to lead us to live in more financially secure and hopeful than living in unstable and venerable economy and market environment. All our economic and financial condition is influenced by leaders, i.e. various levels of politicians and lawmakers dealing with our nations' financial and economic futures. We as Americans have a right to pursue life, liberty and happiness; and obviously, many Americans are fighting financial crisis and poverty wars as Americans are getting poorer. It is a time to march to Washington to voice our fundamental needs of financial security.

It needs to be now as we could be heading to severe depression. We need to see remedy now before it is too late and more difficult to manage the crisis.

The gruesome OE Bloodbath as usual: Many Americans are going through Armageddon -- thus, the Book of Revelation -- financial monster creating blood bath by wine pressers continuing to make short fortune from misfortune.

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