Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Market Analysis and Forecasts as of 2/18/2009 close

Markets are trading at pivotal supports and with a cluster of pivotal turns.

Markets consolidated today as noted earlier that SPX traded to SPX 795 resistance and refuses to break above even though markets are showing positive divergences on all timeframes; because we are in bearish markets, market rallies are very weak.

60min intraday charts are showing positive divergences and oversold, and daily price actions are also showing +D; however, markets are trading at pivotal supports, DOW 7500.

Market sentiment is extremely bearish which is detrimental to our future financial and economical condition. As noted, a few big hedge funds are making billions and trillions since 2007 -- as I think that it is the decades long big plan that I noted earlier.

Markets could follow 1973-1974 recession period; however, no two recession is alike.

Recessions: 1973-1974 40% +/-, 2000-2002 40% +/-, 2007-2009 46%+/-

We can better remember the last three recessions, but the 1929 case is the worst of all. Hope that God will show His Mercy and Justices that we will not go through 1929 case.

As noted above, markets are oversold and show +D, but with HPQ AH actions, during the OE week, it will be just another depressing day. May God have Mercy and show His Justices.

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