Friday, February 13, 2009

G7 - Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

I believe that the entire financial crisis is unfolding and playing out what the big idea by the Illuminati has planned, even though many think that financial crisis is out-of-control. When we have losers, we have winners, vice versa. Through the recent financial crisis, a few who control the world finance made enormous money.

Only God knows all the facts and will judge us all, and don't ever think that you can steal or lie, and will not be responsible for unethical or immoral deeds. God is not senile. He remembers the number of our hairs and stars in universe. Luke 12:7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

G7 Powers Head to Rome as Crisis Rages
| 13 Feb 2009 | 07:15 AM ET

G7 finance ministers headed to Rome to discuss the global economic crisis on Friday with a warning from Germany that the world could be plunged back into the dark days of the 1930s if governments resorted to protectionism.

The G7 industrialized economic powers, all in recession, are under pressure to prove they can work together to stop the rot rather than engaging in a battle of "beggar-thy-neighbor," and Berlin made it clear the latter was an increasingly real risk.

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