Monday, July 13, 2009

Big cash pile

With market manipulation, you can burn on a pile of cash in Eternity. You know where Burn-naked name came from.

re Madoff Is Headed for Prison in Butner, NC, Sources Say

Obviously, he was fallen off of the loop of golden ring making massive billions/trillions cash using legally criminal market manipulation.

FAS 43.80 6.34 16.92% 52,393,669
FAZ 46.67 -9.68 -17.18% 55,127,151
GS 149.20 7.33 5.17% 23,674,094

$COMPX 1793.21 37.18 2.12% 1,904,952
$INDU 8331.68 185.16 2.27% 1,161,718
$INX 901.05 21.92 2.49%

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