Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Entire financial system is just same as the Madoff

Entire financial system is operating disguised collusion behind the scene, by which it is ridiculous to think that sending off Madoff would escape the corrupt power such as Goldman manipulating markets for decades along with the money power.

Just take a look at billions and trillions legally stolen from many around the world over decades -- less than 10% owns 90% wealth around the world under a handful super rich insane greed using all kinds of deception.


Bernard Madoff Arrives at Federal Prison in Butner, NC
Posted By: Scott Cohn | Senior Correspondent, CNBC
| 14 Jul 2009 | 10:18 AM ET

Disgraced financier Bernard Madoff has arrived at federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, CNBC has learned, though it is still not clear if that will be his permanent home.

Madoff, 71, was sentenced last month to 150 years in prison after pleading guilty in March to charges that his investment advisory business was a multibillion-dollar scheme that wiped out thousands of investors and ruined charities.

Authorities said Madoff had carried out the fraud for at least two decades before confessing to his sons in December that his investment business was a fraud and that he had lost as much as $50 billion. Visitors' Regulations: Click Here for Guidelines from Butner

The Butner Federal Correctional Complex, located about 45 miles northwest of Raleigh, includes two medium-security facilities, a low-security facility and a hospital, according to the Bureau of Prisons Web site.

URL: http://www.cnbc.com/id/31905556/

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