Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Matthew 6:24

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

NO WONDER WHY IT WAS SO UPSETTING OVER THE YEARS! It is because we are dealing with satan and satan worshipers fooling, defiling, deceiving, counterfeiting, slaving, pretending, accusing, making false accusations, etc.

Obviously the satanic greed worshipers with the market and political manipulation are stealing millions, billions, and trillions off of innocent people who are looking for honest and fair dealings with good faith. For God knows all the deeds, He will judge us according to our intentions of hearts and minds in eternity!


WRATH OF LIVING GOD!!! Revelation 14:10

1 Corinthians 14:1Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.

The LORD, our GOD is Almighty God, Who can stand against His HOLY and MIGHTY NAME, He will Exalt HIMSELF, in Due time. Fear the LORD, for He is the HOLY GOD. He is living and active GOD who is not dead, HE IS LIVING GOD, who will come back to this world to judge the wicked.

He is holy and knows all your hearts and minds of wicked loving the sinful nature-- more than the LORD ALMIGHTY GOD who created us to glorify HIM, but his creatures are glorifying themselves -- saying there is no GOD. The sinful and wicked men are calling themselves gods deceiving and worshiping money and all pleasures of the world. Deception and lies are their expertise which only GOD can reveal the truth. Who can be smarter and outwit the Omniscience of GOD!!

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, SEND Fire and Brimestones to purify the sinful and wicked greedy world!
ALMIGHTY GOD, show Your Mighty Power against all those who are making excuses after excuses living in wicked, sinful, and vile sin! SEND YOUR FIRE and Brimstones to purify the wicked world like the days of Noah!

THE LORD OUR GOD will judge the world... HE IS COMING BACK TO JUDGE!



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