Sunday, July 19, 2009

Two Groups: Chart makers who manipulating TA and Chart readers

Two Groups: Chart makers who manipulating TA, i.e. price manipulation, and Chart readers, i.e. TA technicians (TA followers including annotating charts, etc).

At the SPX 875, the upgrade manipulation trigger to price change, then, to TA reading -- hence, TA Followers.

Monday, July 13, 2009 4:53:19 PM

Obviously at the SPX 875 pivot, the same old legally criminal market manipulation with upgrade.

$COMPX 1793.21 37.18 2.12% 1,904,952 1736.95
$INDU 8331.68 185.16 2.27% 1,161,718 8130.42
$INX 901.05 21.92 2.49% 0 875.32

$COMPX 1736.95
$INDU 8130.42
$INX 875.32

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