Monday, July 13, 2009

Fed Chairman Sees Possibility Of 'Jobless' Recovery: Shelby

This is the same Illuminati agenda, obviously.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sees the possibility of continued high unemployment even after the recession eases, a key Republican lawmaker who met with the Fed chief told CNBC.

"It was a rather sobering meeting," Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, said in a live interview. "I said...'Could this be a jobless recovery?'...and he said it could be," Shelby said.


As noted before, the real unemployment since 2000 would be over 20%. Not only real estate related unemployment which will not return for a decade since the 2006 top, but also many banking service related jobs will not return.

Furthermore, the American wealth loss and overspent in debt over decades will take decades to reaccumulate as well as the market sentiment will not return for several years.

This is not the same market cycle which repeated during the last decades as many were naive about the reality of the financial market manipulation and deceptions.

For those who are young and uninformed around the world may still be fallen into the same market manipulation; however, the wealth lost to a few hands, i.e. 1%-10% owns 90% of wealth, will not return.

Financial loss and manipulation to a fewer hands will be continuing in the future.

Only those who bought into such nonsense of massive debt spending will do any good in a long run will believe in such nonsense!

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