Monday, July 13, 2009

Obviously at the SPX 875 pivot

Obviously at the SPX 875 pivot, the same market manipulation with upgrade.

$COMPX 1793.21 37.18 2.12% 1,904,952 1736.95
$INDU 8331.68 185.16 2.27% 1,161,718 8130.42
$INX 901.05 21.92 2.49% 0 875.32


$COMPX 1736.95
$INDU 8130.42
$INX 875.32

$COMPX 1763.93 11.38 0.65% 188,528
$INDU 8181.96 -1.21 -0.01% 105,268
$INX 883.51 0.83 0.09%

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