Wednesday, January 6, 2010

American economy impact on globe

Probably the best message of the decades. It is the God's message to the world how corrupt and evil greedy controlled by greedy mammon. God loves her and took her out of living hell world.

Casey Johnson brought a no-better-message to this world reflecting how corrupt this world is and manipulated by demonic greed. Probably the best message of the decades.

This world is gone into living hell under the greedy financial terrorists. Where in the debt bubble living hell is market correction?

Greenspan, Bernanke, Dodd banking committee, etc. led America into living hell just similar as a giant drug organization using lies and deception. Greenspan after bubbling up financial markets, repealed the Glass-Steagall act to create R.E. bubble robbing Americans as they knew that American savings were gone into financial markets. What was left is to rob Home Equities. We don't have 100% proof which God knows all the facts, but based on given facts, we can conclude.

While no one is Just per God's standard, USA is progressively like Sodom and Gomorrah run by the Fed greedy financial terrorists as many of facts and rationale is twisted and distorted. Even the highly educated people like Bernanke, Obama, Greenspan, etc. are turning the world into insanity since half baked truth is far from real facts or rational conclusions which we can make.

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