Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti crash is coming....

Market crash is coming after Bernanke on massive drug-over does of Treasury debt pill market pump for 12 months ~

Millions going default, 30 million on footstamp (16%), 13 mil exhaust UEP 12/09

CNBC professional lunatic market hype is continuing as we continue to hear Madoff market hype robbing US Treasury.
MARKET CRASH IS COMING ~ cnbc is a full of lunatics spewing professional nonsense. CNBC - worldly known lunatic hyper as we have seen it repeatedly. Actually most of media hype is such as Bloomberg. Actually, it all goes back to the Fed greed.

If they were saying truths and facts, the greedy pigs would not be able to rob billions and trillions.
$COMPX 2291.25 -29.15 -1.26% 2,326,108
$INDU 10603.15 -122.25 -1.14% 1,143,929
$INX 1138.04 -12.19 -1.06%

Living hell

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