Friday, January 8, 2010

Long Term market cycle under the Fed

Actor Bernanke treasury robbery

Longer Economic Recovery Cycle: Of course, Americans are going through very long term cycle after robbed by market manipulation of the Fed since 1990s using a series of bubble/crash as we are seeing millions of Americans are going through bankruptcies and now the Fed is robbing the nation using Treasury. The Fed will continue to rob the nation using Treasury while unemployment numbers abate and unemployment benefits run out giving false Economic Recovery inducing Americans to spend believing in healthy economic living. However, it has repeatedly proven that the Fed is only feeding false hope while distributing purchases made during American panics as we have seen during 1987, 2001, 2002, 2008, 2009, etc. The trillions treasury robbery inventory flushing will be far greater negative impact to American future living as the Fed is defrauding trillions of American wealth. Americans will not recover its former wealth for decades as most of American wealth during the last century has been defrauded.

Celente, as many others, was faded by the FED to mislead Americans.
Gerald Celente on Glenn Beck 10 Feb 09 Economic Apocalypse

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