Saturday, January 16, 2010

Prayers for Haiti

May Mercy and Grace of God be on all those who are affected by the Haiti disaster. May the Peace of God be with those who are wounded, frightened, worried, experiencing pain and suffering as they put their trust in God ~ May the Lord our God lay His Healing hands on their desperateness of destruction.

May the Lord our God touch their wounds so that they can find instant healing power of Jesus Christ that He has the power to relieve the pain and suffering. May the healing power of Jesus minister to all wounds - physically, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually; so that we know the Power of God who created the universe and who is unlimited with divine power.

May the divine healing power impart to those who are in pain, so that the pain which they are experiencing is transformed to the Joy of Christ knowing that He loves us regardless what we have done when we seek His face and Salvation.

Our Heavenly Father, we have sinned against You, please forgive us and have mercy on us as we have not loved You as much as we should. We loved this world rather than love You - Your Holiness, Gracious love, Goodness, Patience, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Kindness, Peace, and Love. We love this world going after pleasure rather than glorifying you. May Your Grace and Mercy be with us as we meditate on Your absolute Holiness and Grace. Thank you, our heavenly Father. May the Lord Jesus Christ quickly return. Praise the Lord.

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