Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Fed Bernanke & Auditing the FED

Times Square was hit by a flash mob of "homeless" Uncle Sams today, who were there giving the Naked Cowboy a run for his money, asking passerbys if they could spare some change —$12 trillion, to be exact.

No, that’s not a typo. It was a stunt by the Employment Policies Institute, part of their “Defeat the Debt” campaign to try to educate Americans about just how big the U.S. debt is a day before congress is scheduled to begin debate on raising the debt ceiling.

EPI is a nonprofit research organization that studies public-policy issues related to employment growth and the economy.

  • We remember Citi Sandy Weill -- who retired right before the R.E. bubble crash. As historical data and events prove, the Dodd (2007~) - "Senate Banking Committee" is one of the biggest contributors toward massive financial corruption and robbery of Americans and the nation. Greenspan, Bernanke, the banking committee, etc. led America into living hell just similar as a giant drug organization using lies and deception. Greenspan after bubbling up financial markets, repealed the Glass-Steagall act to create R.E. bubble robbing Americans as they knew that American savings were gone into financial markets. What was left is to rob Home Equities. We don't have 100% proof which God knows all the facts, but based on given facts, we can conclude.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, dogged by low-approval ratings and headed for anticipated defeat, announced that he won't seek re-election in November.

  • 2009 Was One of Worst Years on Record for Bankruptcies

    U.S. consumers and businesses are filing for bankruptcy at a pace that made 2009 the seventh-worst year on record, with more than 1.4 million petitions submitted, an Associated Press tally shows.

  • US Business Loan Defaults Rise Again: PayNet

    Severe delinquencies by small and medium-sized U.S. businesses on the loans, leases and lines of credit to finance capital equipment rose again in November as lenders remained reluctant to extend fresh financing, PayNet Inc reported on Monday.

  • H.R. 4173, the financial-reform legislation--The Fed global terrorism continues ~ using financial market bubble/crash as proven that in history - mentally, financially, and spiritually.

  • Auditing the FED legislation

    Renewing the Glass-Steagall act

  • The Fed Bernanke hand straight to Treasury

    The Senate Banking Committee repealed the "Glass-Steagall" act causing the trillions swindle bubble/burst scheme. The repeal happened to be strongly pushed by the Citi CEO Sandy Weill. When he saw the housing crash was starting, he resigned before the blame falls.
    • 12.17.2009 Senate Banking Committee Votes 16-7 to Approve Ben Bernanke for Second Term as Fed Chairman

      Senate Vote: The Senate Banking Committee Thursday is scheduled to vote on his renomination in a 9:30 a.m. hearing, a vote that is expected to pass before his confirmation goes to the full Senate in several weeks time.

      Bernanke is expected to be confirmed, but he has his critics, including Sen. Jim Bunning, (R-Ky.), who blasted Time's selection as a reward for failure. Some in Congress have complained about the Fed's approach to the financial bail outs and have called for curbs on the Fed's powers.

      Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he is leaning against voting for the Fed chairman, and Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. both say they are definitely voting against him.

    • Some Senate Banking Members Oppose Bernanke

  • December 16, 2009

    Bernanke Named Time Magazine's Person of the Year
    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who helped steer the U.S. economy through its darkest days since the Great Depression, was named Time magazine's 2009 Person of the Year on Wednesday.



    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sat down on Dec. 8, 2009 with TIME managing editor Richard Stengel, Time Inc. editor-in-chief John Huey, TIME assistant managing editor Michael Duffy, and TIME senior correspondent Michael Grunwald for a conversation on everything from the state of the economy to the contents of his wallet. Here is an extended, edited transcript of the interview.

    This explains a significant piece of puzzle to the entire scheme.

    GREENSPAN: Jan 25, 2001: The Maestro's dubious debt warning
    Just days after President George W. Bush took office, Fed chief Alan Greenspan admonished budgeteers about the dangers of -- get this -- too little federal debt.

    "At zero debt, the continuing unified budget surpluses currently projected imply a major accumulation of private assets by the federal government," Greenspan told the Senate Budget Committee.

  • Obviously to control information highway and to spy financial information among other reasons.

  • Greenspan & Bernanke brought hell into USA.
    Greenspan & Bernanke brought hell into USA.

  • Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- Satoshi Miura crawled into his rented room, dropping his bag in the corner. It didn't take long to get settled -- home tonight is a capsule. The rooms are boxes in this capsule hotel about the size of a coffin.

    Have you moved your money yet?


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