Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bernanke - Greenspan financial terrorism effect on America

Financial Terrorist effect:
the Bernanke-Greenspan financial terrorism effect as the greedy financial terrorists have trillions to unload.

The financial market manipulation is getting more severe which can be changed in a dime, and progressively we are seeing nothing works except the financial terrorists market manipulation whatever they want to do. Only remedy is to defend against the lies and deceptions. We know when the financial terrorists are hyping markets, there is something that they want to lure all in. Just similar but worse as the Greenspan lies, the Bernanke debt bubble lies are worse, obviously.

After the last two decades of scams against Americans, who would believe in anything the Fed or the Gov has to say since what they are working for is against Americans as historical financial data and events prove it. We have seen it especially through the Bush era and just same as the Obama era. The greed power will continue to savage Americans as they have in the last decades fooling most, as well as all nations around the globe. While economic growth is either peaked or declining in very long term view, massive wealth is taken out of people as we have seen in the United States and in Europe. All other nations will go through the same process.

The Fed and the Gov have jointly robbed Americans for decades, bankrupted millions, now, still want to play the same show while robbing the nation. Millions of Americans were terrorized by the scams. Who in the hell would be fooled into the scam after the Bush terrorist alert and subsequent drama and killings for money. Obama to Outline Counterterrorism Reforms Tuesday
Greenspan/Bernanke Terrorism ~ The Fed and the Gov have jointly robbed Americans for decades, bankrupted millions of Americans, now, still want to play the same show while they are robbing the nation. Millions of Americans were terrorized by the scams. Who in the hell would be fooled into the scam after the Bush terrorist alert and subsequently drama and killings for money. The Fed greed has eaten Americans alive/dead and now the nation. War-Terror profiteers

  • Anyone believes in what the Fed = Goldman has to say as most of what they say is to fool as they thrive on robbing the rest in reality?

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