Wednesday, January 27, 2010

US Economic Reality

The reality of Americans is that millions have lost their life-saving and in bankruptcies after going through decades of market bubble/burst manipulation. The wealth will not be recovered for decades even if Americans are in saving mode.

AIG Scam: Obviously, it is another big money manipulation. It is straight forward to figure out what has happened when we find out who made how much during the last decades. Americans and the nation literally robbed in double because millions have lost their life-saving, and also our nation is now enslaved by trillions.

Nations around the globe are under debt-slavery as shown on the post.

Americans are sick and tired of the FED and Wall street scams! It's quite simple.

Not many are stilled fooled into the lunatic greenspan and bernanke market manipulation robbing trillions out of Treasury after robbing Americans.

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