Monday, January 11, 2010

REAL economy is crashing in front of us.

2nd biggest drop in the number of employed in 2009 december, freight rail traffic is at the LOWEST point since recession started, US oil consumption also at lowest levels. And these are happening NOW! Where's is the recovery?
600k jobs lost (less employed) in december 2009.
This was one of the biggest drops since 2008 january
Employed / population ratio is at 27years low, and still in a constant decline regardless of payroll data. It shrank 0.35% in just 1 month again, and standing at 58.16%

Rail Freight Traffic

Freight traffic is collapsing, and is now around the LOWEST levels in the last 2 years.

There's no recovery anywhere near...
Without jobs and freight traffic you cannot build/produce anything.

Yep, we have the Fed stealing money from Treasury after stealing from Americans before hell break out loose smashing markets with trillions sell off avalanche....

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