Monday, October 20, 2008

COT - crush of large/small speculators

When COT shows extreme readings, it is good to pay attention to it. As commented on the previous post, we have historic and unusual manipulation of the markets at the time when the large/small speculators were not expecting the sell-off as we can see the net sentiment was most bullish in a year.

This is "Commercials" against majority; and for this time, it was "bailout" scheme by Bush/Paulson as we know how the bailout and market behaved.

Again, COT is fitting into the big LT plan of American wealth deterioration due to the big long term plan by the mega fund as the COT is showing a snap shot of the recent market sentiment prior to the bailout crisis hype vs the subsequent market sell-off.

COT ~ large and small speculators were forced to sale as market sentiment was not as bearish going into the recent market bailout crisis hype. Net market sentiment was bullish as the net long was the highest point in a year going into "bailout". Evidently, the market crisis was planned to screw up as many as possible.

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