Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Revised Rescue Plan, SPX 1020 +/- & BKX

US Outlines New Initiatives To Unfreeze Credit Markets

October 10, 2008 12:37:23 PM

$BKX 48.84 reversed from 47 +/- double bottom formation


Revised Rescue Plan at a Glance
  • US Treasury will buy up to $250 billion in senior preferred, nonvoting shares in financial institutions.
Maximum purchase will be $25 billion per institution.
  • Nov 14 deadline for banks to participate in equity purchase program.
  • Preferred shares to pay 5 percent a year for first 5 years, 9 percent after 5 years.
  • Firms in program must adopt Treasury's standards on executive pay and corporate governance.
  • Compensation for top execs won't be tax deductible above $500,000.

Nobel Prize Winner on the Economy

Insight on the government's financial rescue plan, with Paul Krugman, 2008 Economic


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