SPX 899.22 after reversing from 839.80 with the downside weekly momentum which we have not seen in financial history with VIX breakout to 76.94.
We now have full-blown financial melt down with "Bailout" bait which broke the derivative tsunami dam. This is the world illuminati money power which can manipulate boom and bust cycles to maximize wealth transfer to a few hands.
Do you recall those who were saying R.E. markets are doing fine all along.
Financial markets are LT pivotal supports as also noted on China SSEC & US SPX comments. Obvious LT bear market wave formation is the Big A-B-C which is a big megaphone formation from Oct 2002 (A) ~> Oct 2007 (B) ~> now (C) and the ultimate bottom is depending on how well the administration works out the credit problems. Of course, as commented before this is a part of LT plan of boom and bust liquidity manipulation with a purpose of wealth transfer. The worst bearish SPX target for the "C" wave is breaking below the Oct 2002 low 700 to near 600 with full recession to depression.
10/10/2008 Historic Day >> Market intraday swings were incredible as VIX climbed to near 76.94 with historically explosive volatility.
As noted earlier, markets form the bottom for the day, and we will look for the bottom confirmation, however, with the extraordinary high volumes in series of three since 9/19/08 with historically oversold condition looking to be we are seeing the bottoms.
Market Bottoms: Markets reached LT targets: SPX 840, DOW 7885, Nasdaq 1547 which was set during the early this year.
Intraday market swings were 10%-20% depending on types of markets as example Qs and SPX swing nearly 10% up-down-up.
Bush certainly is the man who made bad records for many and extremely well favors to a few rich using political and economical manipulation along with Paulson and Greenspan gangs. Obviously Americans went through "8" years of tribulation.
TODAY POLL >> Sadly, Bush/Paulson sold off Mc PALIN
General Election: McCain vs. Obama
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 10/03 - 10/11 -- 49.9 42.2 Obama +7.7
Rasmussen Tracking 10/09 - 10/11 3000 LV 51 45 Obama +6
Reuters/CSpan/Zogby Tracking 10/09 - 10/11 1206 LV 49 43 Obama +6
Gallup Tracking 10/08 - 10/10 2773 RV 51 42 Obama +9
Hotline/FD Tracking 10/08 - 10/10 808 LV 50 40 Obama +10
Newsweek 10/08 - 10/09 1035 RV 52 41 Obama +11
FOX News 10/08 - 10/09 900 RV 46 39 Obama +7
GW/Battleground Tracking 10/06 - 10/09 800 LV 51 43 Obama +8
Time 10/03 - 10/06 1053 LV 50 44 Obama +6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/04 - 10/05 658 RV 49 43 Obama +6
Reality is Panic which Bush and Paulson created to clean out Americans and US as well as wealth around the world.
The condition was riped for it as it was the big scheme since 1990s by greenspan/paulson LT plan for wealth transfer from Mass to a few. Bush/Paulson could not resist before they retire from the offices and it was easy scam to pull while many are distracted by political noise. Of course, nobama is also a part of the big scam. They go to Swiss or mexico, wherever, after they feed Americans to abomination nobama.
It is a good time for ALL of us to retire from the big mess which the scammers created.
Instead of supporting markets going into the Election, Bush/Paulson hyped the financial market crisis to have sudden impact on markets like that of 911.
Instead of supporting markets going into the Election, Bush/Paulson hyped the financial market crisis to have sudden impact on markets like that of 911.
IMF using boom/bust cycle scam to steal wealth from many to a few. IMF said that our economy will be recovering during second half in 2008; now, they are going insane. Either they are stupid or had a big scam; obviously it is latter.
Exclusive - World Bank Hacked
Richard Behar on an IMF security breach
October 10, 2008
Meanwhile, Goldman is the biggest contributor to Nobama, while Bush/Paulson were hyping financial meltdown with Bailout bait. Obviously, they are making sure that Goldman gets their money worth by supporting nobama with financial market meltdown while they are making billions and trillions from shorting markets.
Finance ministers face down crisis as IMF head warns of 'meltdown'
Steven Edwards , Canwest News Service
Published: Saturday, October 11, 2008
WASHINGTON - A heightened sense of urgency over the economic crisis gripped world leaders Saturday even as U.S. President George W. Bush appeared with the G7 finance ministers - among them Canada's Jim Flaherty - in a bid to underline their resolve to tackle the problem.
At the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund, the head of the organization warned the world financial system was teetering on the "brink of systemic meltdown" amid fears over the health of banks that have frozen credit markets.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn said measures taken by rich countries had so far failed in their goals of "stabilizing markets and bolstering confidence," and warned further intervention and co-ordinated actions would be necessary.

per Bespoke
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