We now have full-blown financial melt down with "Bailout" bait which broke the derivative tsunami dam. This is the world illuminati money power which can manipulate boom and bust cycles to maximize wealth transfer to a few hands.
Do you recall those who were saying R.E. markets are doing fine all along.
Financial markets are LT pivotal supports as also noted on China SSEC & US SPX comments. Obvious LT bear market wave formation is the Big A-B-C which is a big megaphone formation from Oct 2002 (A) ~> Oct 2007 (B) ~> now (C) and the ultimate bottom is depending on how well the administration works out the credit problems. The bearish SPX target for the "C" wave is breaking below the Oct 2002 low 700 to near 650 +/- with the recession which is necessary for we had decades-long bubbles.
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