Wednesday, October 1, 2008

~~ Historic Friday 10/3/08 ~ Investing in Eternity ~~

Markets are riding roller coaster which is all temporal. We will be experiencing the historical moments as we approach 10/3/08 Friday.

All our moments in our lives will be accountable. Every second which we spent will be accountable. Every action which we choose to do will be accountable in eternity.

~~ Turn your eyes upon Jesus~~
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.


Investing in Eternity
Matthew 28:18-20

The Christian life is an active life--one dedicated to working, serving, sharing, and helping. Too often, we think that being a Christian simply means showing up for church each Sunday morning and dropping something into the offering plate. That's a good habit, but if this is the sum total of your Christian life, you've missed the mark.

There is a call that Jesus Christ put on all those who would follow Him. That is, He has called us go into the world and make disciples through baptism and teaching. You may say, "Well, that applies just to ministers and missionaries, right?" No. It's is the responsibility of everyone who claims the name of Jesus.

Just look at first word of Matthew 28:19. What does Jesus say? He says, "Go!" In today's terms, He's saying, "Get off the couch! Turn off the TV! Close the computer! Get up, look at the world around you, and tell someone about Me!"

This is not a suggestion. Nor is it a word to only a handful of believers. If you have been saved by the blood of Christ, then Jesus is talking to you!

Making disciples doesn't mean you have to quit your job and become a full-time missionary to a remote part of the globe. But you could walk outside, knock on a neighbor's door, and demonstrate Christ to him. You don't need a show-stopping sermon to minister to others; you need simply a willing and open heart.

What can you do right now to "go . . . and make disciples"? Think about things you can do today to respond to God's call on your life.

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