Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Fed global manipulation

Greenspan literally robbed Americans and the nation with tech bubble/bust and housing bubble/bust, and now Bernanke is doing the left-over Americans using US debt and relative global national debts.

  • The "mother of all carry trades" that Nouriel Roubini warned of recently is growing and threatening to cause a global implosion, the economist warned in a CNBC interview.

    For the second time in as many weeks, Roubini cautioned that investors using cheap US dollars to embrace risk will quickly reverse course once the greenback strengthens.Nouriel Roubini

Continuing market manipulation while using political noise such as "Healthcare Reform" even though the HCR is necessary.
    • Obama To Sign Bill Friday Extending Homebuyers Credit

      Congress took further steps to right the staggering economy by expanding a popular tax credit for homebuyers and extending unemployment checks for the growing legions of people running out of benefits with few job prospects.

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