Monday, November 30, 2009

The world is possessed by Mammon.

The world is possessed by Mammon. The market reaction to the Dubai world debt just proves how manipulative the mammon is. During the recent years since Greenspan/Bernanke, the greedy power has gotten so big, they literally control the world.

Obviously, this world is possessed by mammon defiling the globe with corruption, immorality, greed, brainwashing propaganda. The market reaction to the Dubai world debt just proves how manipulative the mammon is. The greedy power will continue to defile the world with deceptive propaganda brainwashing all by mammon defrauding as they have for 100s of years. The greedy demonic power has gotten bigger than ever before after the Fed Greenspan/Bernanke/Goldman, etc. deception.

Only way to get out of the demonic power is "ALL" around the world has to recognize and to understand that we must resist the devil and get free from the greedy, demonic power.

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