Thursday, November 19, 2009

Financial Reform for WS corruption

Real problems which we are facing is "Corruption" among big banks even though the size matters. Capitalism is corrupt and became powerful to manipulate politics and to manufacture subtle loop holes used to literally bankrupt millions of Americans and the nation using bubbles and crashes - size matters, but what really matters is controlling "corruption and loopholes" through sound-regulation. However, Geithner is against reenacting the "Glass-Steagall" act suggesting that we are just seeing another political drama, not fixing problems. Ultimately, the problem is "corruption", not "size".

* Geithner against restoring the Glass-Steagall act

Obviously, Geithner, as ex-Fed, he is loyal to the Fed, not Americans' interest as his job is to benefit the Fed as Greenspan who created the Tech and R.E. bubble/crash which wiped out millions of Americans and running up the nation's wealth. The current economic condition is NOT Geithner's or Obama's mismanagement. The lower tax on rich trigger down is nonsense as its purpose is to benefit rich who put away the gain taken from the rest.

* Stock prices: While financial market prices can be easily manipulated with colluded funds and momentum trades, sooner or later, someone has to buy shares in reality to lock in profit. We now have trillions of funds in the markets waiting to unload, and it is nonsensical and hazardous falling into market hype. Furthermore, hyping financial market prices is just adding to further economic disaster as the unjustified prices are taken advantage of fast and big market participants as it is a very fundamental nature of capitalism using financial markets. Effective way to control the market and economic stability is to educate Americans so that market participants are not falling into market hype taking imprudent risk. However, that is not the WS objectives and their profit is coming from MS.

* Unemployment: As noted before, real unemployment % is nearly 20% accumulated numbers from the 2000 downturn. The recovery since 2003 is artificial as the housing related employment was ST cycle. We now have one million will lost UM benefit after Dec 2009 which will create further pressure on Economy.

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