Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unloading Trillions of stock inventories and funds

Goldman, the Fed ...
Trillions to unload.

Where economy is headed? Unless you are blinded with greed or other alternative motive, the economic condition is straightforward even though financial markets are making repeated misleading hype and propaganda as we can see on the historical financial analysis and dramatically deteriorating conditions by the 1% greedy colluded money power. Only naive would not be able to see it.

The Fed and millions of funds are all in the markets locked up multi-trillions hyping markets since March 2009, now, they are all looking for ways to unload the trillions using media hype as they have done for decades. How many would be falling into such hype around the globe to bite the detrimental baits. All of mega funds are hyping as we heard from Goldman, BlackRock, Paulson, Soros, Buffett, etc., with that they are betting on you to foolishly take the stocks off their stock pile. Or, spend until going bankrupt so that you can continue to make them filthy rich.

Capitalism, based on deception as in Matthew 4, is corrupt and destroyed millions of Americans and nations around the world. "Greed" is a root of all evil, and it indeed caused suffering, pain, and death around the world.

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