Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gold lava - Bubble crash

Gold bubble crash is coming !

* The Fed destroyed many Americans and USA, using massive deception, and nations around the world. "Greed" is a root of all evil and we have seen it how the greed can drive many around the globe into misery and pain -- including war-profiteering.
Market Crash, Gold Bubble Crash used by greedy dimon goldman Fed. Obviously, it will be recorded as "Ron Paul" Gold bubble crash achieving nothing but criminal gold bubble/crash while bankrupting millions of Americans - just same as the enact-repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act

FDIC's Bair Cautions on Risks in Bank Break-Up Plan

A top U.S. bank regulator said lawmakers need to be careful about moving forward with a proposal that could break up big banking institutions, while also voicing support for its objective.

Don't trust the Fed Reserve Private Corporation -- Bernanke.

USD Long ~

USD Short ~

Gold bubble crash is coming !

Gold lava ~
R Paul - another con man hyping gold price instead of getting something done to right direction. He has not getting anything done except running up more deficit by using debt to pump markets and gold price

Paul has not done anything except hyping gold price. He is just making gold price bubble - oxymoron who is throwing Americans worse condition. Gold price was hyperventilating since 2005, and it is - ready to melt. LAVA!

Don't trust Media hype which is propaganda by the Fed Reserve Private Corporation -- Bernanke.

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