There must be a direct line between Goldman, the Fed, and Treasury Geithner. Daily balancing of cash/bond trading based on Bernanke, Blankfein, Beshel, Geithner, etc.
How easy it is to pump markets using printing machine. The Fed, Ben as a contrarian, has to fade the American realistic bearish frugal outlook. Because we have bearish sentiment and realism about US Economic condition in a longer term in addition to massive foreclosures which many are going through, the Fed Bernanke is continuing to fade American bearish sentiment, and it appears to be that Americans may be getting smarter and learning to be frugal. After Americans and European economic collapse bankrupting nations, we now have Asians who can still spend their savings. Would they learn from westerners?
•APEC Leaders Back China's Anti-Protectionist Stance, Avoid Currency Debate •Sales, Housing, Output in U.S. Probably Rose, Signaling Sustained Rebound •China's Liu Says U.S. Interest Rates, Dollar Decline Causing Speculation •Vivendi May Decide to Sell NBC Stake, Allowing GE, Comcast to Form Venture •Sony's `2012' Is Top Weekend Movie in U.S., With $65 Million Ticket Sales •Kuwaiti Shares Decline to Seven-Month Low on Earnings; Abu Dhabi Advances •Egypt Seeks to Improve Stock Market Regulation After Levying `Hefty Fines' •Obama to Seek U.S. Oversight of Subways to Improve Safety, Official Says •New York Terror-Suspect Trial Plan a `Mistake,' Former Mayor Giuliani Says
The Fed juggling USD, financial markets, and US debt is quite transparent over the longer term comparative analysis showing how the great American wealth is nicely transferred to a few hands over the last few decades. This is more transparent when you can see the relationships among Europeans financial markets, war histories, American financial markets, and now Asian economy and financial markets. Many Americans lost or spend life-savings during the last decades because of Tech and R.E. bubble/crash, and it will takes many years to rebuild; however, seeing what is happening to European national debts and wealth disparity, the doom will continue even though we are hearing good old America propaganda, especially competing with Asia and Africa, good old USA will not be the same for long time, if not never. Stock market levels do not depict true economic and financial conditions.

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