Monday, November 23, 2009

Gold lava

R Paul - another con man hyping gold price instead of getting something done to right direction. He has not getting anything done except running up more deficit by using debt to pump markets and gold price.

@GC 1167.90 3.20 0.27%
Paul has not done anything except hyping gold price. He is just making gold price bubble - oxymoron who is throwing Americans to worse condition. Gold price was hyperventilating since 2005, and it is going crazy - ready to be melting. LAVA!

Gold Bubble Collapse: It is obvious formation as noted on the Gold lava which is speculative gold bubble since 2005 breakout with all kinds of speculation including "gold standard" which is a out-dated form of monetary system and is manipulative as the audit of gold-quantity can be misstated just as as any other system -- the problem is "Greed" in the system, not the systems as any system can be manipulated.

Gold Will Collapse Like Oil Did in 2008: Charts


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